Thompson Tax
(833) 928-9998
There are over 75,000 state and local taxing jurisdictions nationwide, with many having their own set of ever-changing rules and regulations. Identifying opportunities and managing risk at multiple operating locations can become a daunting task, and some businesses may not even know that they have incurred liabilities until long after penalties and interest have begun to accrue. For a lot of organizations and companies, state and local taxes represent a majority of their overall tax burden, so whether you need help with sales and use taxes, multistate taxes, business licenses, tax controversy support, or any other related issues, Thompson Tax LLC is here to help. With over 250 years of combined experience in government and Big 4 accounting, our SALT professionals have the wisdom and know-how to cut through the red tape and will gladly consult with you to help ease the burden of navigating through the world of SALT issues. We are proud to be one of the founding members of the Independent Salt Alliance (ISA), a network of experienced state and local tax practitioners specializing in a diverse range of tax related services.